Monday, May 24, 2010

Truths: Encore

I think I understand my friend, Kelly, and her “obsession” with concerts… ( My husband took me to see Cavo, Lifehouse, and Daughtry on Saturday night. (I say he took me – I probably dragged him) We had the best seats I have ever had at a concert and as we listened to the music – it all made sense to me.

All of these people different ages, different ethnicities, different backgrounds, all singing along – all coming together to share in the universal language of music. No one cared about anything else - at least not for a few hours.

It was riveting, especially in such a time of turmoil and unrest in our country. The bands were outstanding and the energy they exuded was amazing. Being at that concert re-charged me and gave me inspiration on so many levels.

After treading water last weekend with my submission for my writing retreat, being at the concert put so many things in perspective. One: I am an artist or at least I am attempting to be an artist and that, alone, means struggle.

The bands we watched Saturday night struggled, too. I sat thinking about: how many bars they probably played at and how many demo tapes they sent in waiting to be discovered - even, how Daughtry failed at American Idol only to achieve greater success afterwards. They never backed down because they believed in themselves and that is what I must do: believe in myself.

I have to have faith in my ability and the story I have to tell and, above all else, I have to believe that it IS what I need to focus on. I have to quit allowing everything else to get in the way because this IS important to me.

And, I don’t just mean random everyday stuff like laundry or gardening: I mean baggage. Things that find a way to interfere with what I believe in – things that emotionally burden us and force us off track. I have to be done with all that stuff that doesn’t matter.

I don’t want things that get in the way to define me – I want my passions to define me: the animals, the writing, all the parts of me that matter not all of the little stuff that gets in the way of pursuing them: all of the stuff that stunts me, paralyzes me from achieving my goals and dreams.

It was freeing that revelation – the concert – the whole night. It made me re-discover who I am and where I want to go and even why I want to go “there.” I want to be a part of that magic - not the fame and fortune - but the opportunity for people to escape because of my ability to tell a story - to transcend them for a little while to a place that takes away all of their cares and worries. That is what I want and it is time to make THAT my priority.

1 comment:

  1. Glad you had fun at the concert, Beck!
    I agree with all things you said!
