Thursday, December 24, 2009

Truths: Messy Traditions

So, yesterday we made Christmas Cookies. It was my daughter and her two half sisters: Molly and Lucy. (That makes them my ex-husband’s and new wife’s kids).

To some that is amazing, crazy, unbelievable… But truthfully, the unbelievable part is that we were making cookies in MY kitchen.

I am not a cook. I am not a baker. Its not that I am incapable, I just don’t find it appealing. And like many of my mishaps these passed few days – I usually get hurt and burn myself!

I have always envied people who do the whole holiday cookie day. I have visions of everyone laughing and sharing sweet moments: an entire day of togetherness and life long memories.

I just never found a way to welcome that tradition into my life.

Until yesterday… Originally, I had picked through all these recipes I got when I bought a recipe box at a flea market and it was filled with cookie recipes… I had about 6 of them to make – most were a little complicated - and I would need ingredients I didn’t have, some of which, I didn’t even know what they were… But between being sick and being injured – those cookies were not going to happen.

But, we had this big container of candy cookie dough from some school fundraiser and I had enough other ingredients to make sugar cookies from scratch.

So, Molly, Lucy and Abby and I got to rolling, and cutting, and sprinkling. No, none of the cookies look all that pretty… and the entire kitchen was head to toe in flour, sprinkles and sugar… But, I was able to stop and sigh for a moment and realize that among the mess – was what had the magical possibility of a lifelong memory and a lifelong tradition.

Me and my daugther and my other “girls” actually created the very day I had always longed for and it was exactly as I always pictured it. Sure, it was a mess and the cookies were not bakery quality – but it was fun.

Molly and Lucy are 6 and 4 respectively – so, I am ever so hopeful that yesterday is only beginning of the cookie tradition to come. That it will be one of the special things we share as we all get older.

And, maybe one day, as we get better, our cookies will be beautiful and unique. But, honestly, that doesn’t matter. I will just look forward to the spirit of the day and will be able to recall the wonderful memories as my life goes on.

Merry Christmas Eve… Hope all your shopping, wrapping and cards are done!

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