Thursday, September 2, 2010

Truths: 1-800 NO ONE Cares

So, I spent 45 minutes on the phone with Comcast last night. 45 minutes I would have rather spent cleaning my sock drawer. 45 minutes of pure frustration. I would never condone a shooting spree – but I can see why people do it.

As many might know – ever since the world turned to HD TV… we have had to get adapters for our TV’s which are not hooked up to cable boxes. We would probably all hook every TV we have to a cable box – if they didn’t charge us to do so.

I called a few weeks ago to get my adapter… no let me start from the beginning I called in June to hook up cable for my niece at which time I ordered the adapters – well those never showed up… so I called again a few weeks ago and last week they came.

FINALLY – my daughter could get the Disney channel in her room again and I could watch Criminal Minds before bed. (something my husband thinks is crazy – to watch psychopaths right before you sleep)

We set the adapters up – only to find that I was not going to be able to watch Criminal Minds… We got all the other channels (go figure) but THIS one was important.

I did the unthinkable – I called 1-800-comcast… which sent my evening into a complete tailspin. First I talked to a computer – a nice friendly voice without a beating heart. But, needless to say, she couldn’t help me. I was transferred to LiLi…who I know was not speaking on US soil… she couldn’t help me… then came LaLa – an advanced technician they called him – who was able to explain that the two boxes Comcast sent were defective.

But here is the best part and what turned my somewhat patient self into a raving lunatic. LaLa told me that to get the new boxes I needed to go to my nearest Comcast office and swap them out.

“What, “ I said… “You want me to drive to another office to replace the defective boxes YOU sent me? – That is NOT going to happen.”

In his foreign accent – he tried to be polite – but it was too late – he could not reason with me so I demanded to talk to someone in charge. That is when I got LoLo…another person who I know does not live in the US… who again tried to reason with me – speaking from a set of pre-made cards. Within minutes I started screaming and again demanded someone else to talk to.. I wanted to say, “preferably someone living in the US.”

That is when I was placed on hold for 10 minutes. Ironically, at the same time I was getting a call on the other line from none other than Comcast – wondering how my customer experience went… Do I need to say that I told them it sucked?

While on hold… I decided to use the live chat feature found at Here I was able to talk with Joseph who began to explain that I could go to a Comcast office and swap them out.

Before I could type – I finally heard an American voice, “This is Gabrielle – how can I help you?

Ahhh – I felt like I just walked into the house I grew up in.. A voice I could understand – a voice who I knew was not speaking from pre-written speech cards.

By now, I was broken and in my deflated voice I said, “All I want is for Comcast to send me two new adapter boxes because the ones you sent me were defective.”

“Well, I can certainly do that for you,” Gabrielle said.

While she was verifying my address and explaining that they would be sent out in the next few days – I was able to happily reply to Joseph that Comcast was going to send me the new boxes and that it was no thanks to him.

Yes, in the end – after a major blood pressure spike – I was able to get not only what I wanted but what I deserved.

But, we must ask ourselves – why do we allow major companies to treat us this way – like rats in an experiment – like monkeys – like cattle?

I spend $180 a month for Comcast – why the Hell can’t they employ people who live on US soil? Don’t we deserve that? It should not take 3 calls to get to a human being who not only speaks with the same accent as me – but actually thinks for themselves. They don’t have to be American – they just have to live in my country. English doesn’t even have to be their first language – they just need to understand me and be understandable to me.

I just don’t think that is a lot to ask.

We have been on the fence, thinking about switching to Direct TV… and certainly this experience has pushed me over the edge – but before I commit to another big company – I am going to call their 1-800 number and see what I get.


  1. When we lived in McHenry, comcast messed up and turned off our cable and I had to go to their office to figure it out. Then they said I would be charged to reinstate it even though it was clearly their fault.
    I yelled, "Forget you! I'm getting Directv!" (which Chris at the time was really wanting to get anyway) and stormed out.

  2. I really apologize for the experience. I am glad to know Gabrielle was able to help you out.

    I also work for Comcast. If you need help in the future, feel free to contact our team.

    Mark Casem
    Comcast Corp.
    National Customer Operations
