Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Tails: One step forward, two steps back – shame on ABC

I received a horrible email yesterday from an anti-puppy mill group I am a member of. This group works tirelessly to end puppy mills in IL and to support legislation to make them illegal across America.

Here is what I received:
On Thursday morning ABC News - Good Morning America, aired a segment on designer dogs. Not only did they promote these dogs as great pets for people who live in cities, have allergies, or don't want a barking dog, but they also stated that the breeding of these mixes produces only the best traits of both breeds in the offspring. They stated that to get these quality puppies you have to pay up to $1,400 in pet stores. There was no mention of where these dogs are bred or how they get to the pet stores.

For all of us that work so tirelessly across the nation educating the public about the puppy mill to pet store connection, this was a huge set back. Obviously they did not do any research on this subject and instead chose to air a totally false and irresponsible piece that chose to encourage sales and "educate" the unsuspecting public about what a "Morkie" really is. New York City is number two in the sale of puppy mill dogs in the country and this segment certainly will help to keep them there.
Please contact ABC TV and let them know how you feel and what they have done. Ask to speak to the producer of the segment at 212-456-7000.
The Puppy Mill Project is recommending boycotting Good Morning America until further notice.

To view the segment Click on the link below:

To contact ABC News Good Morning America click on the link below:

This is so frustrating. People, like me, who have actually seen the conditions these so called “designer dogs” come from become enraged when anyone promotes buying them.

My heart breaks when I see news like this because there are enough ignorant people out there who don’t know any better – and who believe that getting some designer dog for $1400 dollars at a pet store means more than rescuing a dog for so much less and yet is so much more rewarding.

Its not to say that these poor dogs who had no control over their fate should go homeless – its just to say that purchasing these dogs from scrupulous breeders and money hungry pet shops only perpetuates the cycle of cruelty.

Never fear that these dogs will go homeless… If everyone stopped buying them altogether – those left would end up in shelters where they would ultimately find homes anyway.

If every animal rescuer and adopter could shout from the rooftops that buying dogs from pet shops and over the internet breeds not a good dog but an industry of neglect maybe then both the government and the media would get the message.

It has to be acknowledged that just a decade or so ago “designer dogs” were considered nothing more than mutts. Truthfully, that is what they are. And as much as I dislike the AKC – at least they haven’t stooped too low and included them as registered canines. (I love mutts, don't get me wrong)

If you have the time – it takes about a minute – please click on the ABC link and tell them you are disappointed that they would promote designer dogs at all. Ask them for a retraction or at the very least a segment devoted to where these designer dogs come from…

And if you have more time – volunteer at a shelter to walk a few dogs – and if you are reading this and want a designer dog – visit - I am certain you will find a dog who meets your needs and will be rescuing a friend for life.

Until we put an end to the breeding of dogs as an industry – millions of homeless dogs will continue to be euthanized and that is what is saddest of all.

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