Friday, June 3, 2011

Truths: Hungover

So, last night my husband and I went on a date to see a movie: The Hangover, Part 2. During a recent blizzard this winter we had the pleasure of watching the first Hangover and by the middle of the movie we were crying and practically peeing our pants it was so damn funny.

When I heard that a 2nd was coming out – you can only imagine my excitement. And when I saw that it was playing at our local theater – the kind that only costs $6.00 to see a movie and offers free refills on everything – I knew it would be the perfect date.

My husband and I are fortunate enough that we go out to dinner often so its not a big deal in our house – but going to the movies isn’t something we do – so I made sure to shower and dress nice. Heck, it was a date after all.

I think, sometimes, once you are married, dates are overlooked. For years prior to marrying, you spend hours getting ready, picking out the right outfit, shaving your legs and putting on your pretty panties… and then one day you wake up with your wedding band on – a t-shirt, pajama pants that don’t match and the realization you haven’t showered in two days. Date nights make me remember who I used to be.

So, ironically, as I prepared to go see the Hangover I was reminded by my friend Nancy that we aren’t drinking. We have a bet that neither of us can drink during the week. That would be Mon-Thursday… Eliminating the weekends was never in the cards for us. So, as we left the house early and headed to the bar across from the theater – I watched as Bill gulped down a High Life… and took a picture and texted it to Nancy – stating that I think this bet was the dumbest bet we ever made. But, I held my ground. Only 10 more minutes to the movie.

We got our tickets and loaded up on buttered popcorn and giant cokes (I had save all my calories for this big event) and made our way to the theater and picked our seats.

The movies was hilarious… Goofy monkeys, foul language, crazy Chinese guy, - you name it, it was in it… it was laugh out loud, pee your pants funny.

But it got me wondering, as I wiped the tears from eyes and we left the theater… would everyone laugh at it? If you have never been drunk to the point of oblivion – does the movie even make sense? If you wake up each day remembering all that you did the night before – can you even comprehend what the movie is about?

I am not saying that every day of my life is a blackout… I am not even saying that I have partook in anything (okay almost anything) that they did in either of the two movies…But, I have been known to get inebriated and “forget” what I did.

Sure its irresponsible, immature – I know…But that has never stopped me. I am not necessarily proud of my antics but I have some of the best stories and the funniest memories all of which were re-created the morning after the party.

I think that is why the Hangover is so hilarious. If you have ever drank too much and woken up on the floor with your best friends and spent the morning with a throbbing head trying to figure out what the Hell you did the night before – this movie is for you.

Sometimes it has taken whole days to account for the mere 5 hours the night before. Sometimes it has taken weeks to get the whole picture clear. But, while the nights are never fully played back – the memories and the bonds that take place because of them are priceless. Not to mention that they provide years of payback and opportunities for blackmail. People that party together ALWAYS remain friends.

They didn’t make the marketing statement, “What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas” for nothing.

I, by no means, am encouraging such behavior. It is dangerous and often illegal… I am just merely recalling what I can’t recall and saying how much fun it was.

If you have ever been hungover…go see The Hangover Part 2. And wear Depends because you will pee your pants… kinda like you did in college after you did shots and passed out… (not that I know anything about that)

1 comment:

  1. Chris and I are going to a bed and Breakfast next Saturday for the night and going to see the Hangover 2 first!
