Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Truths: Happiness when you least expect it

So, Saturday was our sink saga – and what was supposed to be a few hour project (I thought 20 minutes) became all day. But my daughter didn’t forget that we promised to carve pumpkins… because as she put, “We have NEVER carved pumpkins for Halloween and you said we would.”

Let me add that we have carved pumpkins before – no not every year but in years passed we have. I just wanted to make that clear. And if it matters, we ALWAYS go to the pumpkin patch to get them. What we have NEVER done is buy them at the store as an after thought. I know some people might and there are lots of things I buy at Walmart and Jewel but pumpkins are not one of them. I LOVE fall (Halloween I could take or leave) but fall… Our house is always decked out with corn stalks and mums and lots of pumpkins (just not ALWAYS carved) and scarecrows and black cats… Seriously, if it were acceptable, I would always have these things up all year. (Which I know would be about as white trash as the sink still sitting in my yard.)

Anyway, amongst the stress of our sink project gone bad – we took a deep breath, ordered a pizza and lugged in the cold pumpkins from outside. We took the box from the sink and cut it open and spread it on the table. (it was good to know that some part of the sink was going to get used).

We got out the knives and the pumpkin carving kit – which consisted of traceable designs (all of which were made for pumpkin carving professionals) and tiny little razor blades – did the box even come with an age appropriate designation? I am not sure it was even safe for me to use.

Abby found her design right away and I decided to take on one of the more professional ones of an owl in a tree… of course Bill was going to make a big G for the Green Bay Packers.

We had the music playing and the knives cutting and somewhere in the middle of it all – while I was silently questioning this ridiculous break from the job at hand: the sink – Abby said, “This is the happiest I have ever been – I love this night!”

Wow, right? When your almost 12 year old daughter speaks those words – it is hard not to be taken back – not to both be proud of the person you created and ashamed that you don’t take more time to do such simple things.

Take away the Wii, the iphone, the Disney channel and who knew these kids could still be happy? In fact, the happiest they have ever been.

As I traced my owl and heard her words, I smiled – not just an outward smile – but deep inside – I think I smiled with my heart. To know that this hour long, practically free, project brought my daughter such genuine happiness – I doubt I could have felt any better.

As I gulped down that feeling you have as a parent when you realize that somewhere between the laundry and the bills and everything else – you forgot to enjoy your kids and then, as I sighed, quietly, praising myself for my loyalty to doing this project – I was interrupted –

“Ow, I just cut my finger…OOOHHH it hurts, its bleeding… I need a band aid… I can’t do it anymore… It hurts… MOM!!!”

Yep, in an instant the pure emotional bliss I was feeling was slashed away - just like my daughter’s finger. That pure enjoyment felt only moments before was obliterated.

Bill tended to Abby’s finger as I continued work on my owl – laughing at myself for ever believing that we were having a Hallmark moment…Dreading the drama that would soon transpire instead.

Yeah, the drama started… but it settled fast and Abby quickly went back to work on her pumpkin – even doing a second.

It was just a speed bump on our yellow brick road that night… The elation lasted and 5 pumpkins came to life as we all celebrated our artistic creations.

It does pay to stop and smell the roses or in our case dig into the guts of a pumpkin and find solace in playing with sharp objects – but truthfully, we created a real family memory on Saturday night and that has certainly given me both the inspiration and aspiration to do it again…soon.

(I should add that my owl, who looks just like the picture – is unrecognizable to all who see it… Is that the letter “b” they ask… Oh well, I should stick to the old reliable pumpkin face next time!)

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