Monday, November 22, 2010

Truths: Picking up the pieces

Well, as I write this – it is pouring rain outside. And normally that wouldn’t bother me – but we placed about 25 bags worth of giveaway stuff outside. Yes, it is under our front porch – but not exactly 100% safe from the elements. Just my luck, right?

And, it didn’t seem to start raining until I worked up the ambition to take the dogs for a run. 100 steps into it – the rain came tumbling down. Should I expect anything less?

The truth is – things are getting better. Amongst the chaos and conundrum of everything – I am learning to find the bright side. Is there really any other choice?

Twenty five bags sit outside and an entire dumpster filled – certainly that must be a sign that the crap in my life is literally leaving. The closets are emptier, the garage neater and overall, our life is starting to seem lighter.

As my husband and I stared at the tires stacked up in the garage from his previous sports car – I laughed. Thinking of how just months ago – they were sitting in our basement along with a fur lined couch and stinky litter boxes.

Now, the basement shines – with massive TV’s and a reupholstered sofa and meticulously placed Packer pictures. Our life is obviously improving.

The kitchen cabinets are completely cleaned out. Every crevice washed, every dish steamed dry. At the time it all seemed like a huge pain in the ass – but as I wiped the last pan – I realized – this was the kitchen I wanted to start my new hobby of cooking. I know where everything is and everything is organized and clean and ready to go to work.

Perhaps, it was all just meant to be.

They say (whoever “they” are”) that things have to be messy before they can be clean – and well, I guess that is what my life was these last few weeks. A mess.

Maybe it was just to make me appreciate when it would be better. When the piles would be gone and the boxes taken away.


The TV’s work and the appliances have either squeezed their way into their space or have grown accustom to where they sit and all is right with the Monroe household.

Other things have piled up in the meantime – housecleaning (you know where you actually remove dirt from the floor and not just boxes) – laundry… But those, too will be done and life will return to a state of normalcy. And it will be a better normal than normal…

Of course, in the meantime, Christmas will be upon us and the hurriedness of the season will take over. The parties and the presents and the hangovers to go with all of it.

So, right now, for the next few days, I am going to enjoy the peace and quiet. I am going to relish the calm, the tranquil state of the house. I am going to admire the new basement and sit and watch Private Practice on the new TV and then start my “To Do” list again.

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