Thursday, April 22, 2010

Tails and Truths: Why I Would Rather See a Vet for My Illnesses

Monday became one of the most horrible days of my life. My husband, who had out patient surgery on Friday, took a turn for the worse over the weekend and we needed to see the Dr. right away.

I called in and actually got the Dr. because he was on-call. He said that his secretary would call us before 9am to make the appointment. When she did call, she said that we could go to Highland Park at 1pm and Dr. Singer could see us. I asked if there was anything earlier because Bill was in a lot of pain. Well, we could drive to Evanston and see Dr. Muldoon at 11am.

“Fine, I will take that one.”

We got ready and headed out the door for the hour and half drive to Evanston. After a brief wait, Dr. Muldoon saw us and immediately said that Bill needed to go back in for surgery. BUT, he wouldn’t be able to do it that day because his schedule was too full so, we would have to drive to Highland Park hospital and have Dr. Singer fit us in later that day.

We got a surgery appointment at 5pm. (It was 11:30am). Driving home was not an option. By the time we drove home, we would have to get back in the car and drive to Highland Park… Besides Highland Park was only 30 minutes from Evanston.

We chose to just drive to Highland Park and Bill told me I could stop and shop along the way (what a good husband) – besides either way he was going to be laying in the car.

I did make two stops: one to a party store for the baby shower and one to a baby boutique where – I actually got to talk about puppy mills… who would have thought.

So, we walk into the hospital early - what else were we going to do… they directed us upstairs – which we already knew from the last two surgeries.

We get to outpatient care and the only thing they have available is a reclining chair for husband to sit in… What? This is a hospital – where the Hell are the beds?

Before I could bitch too much, a bed becomes available.

We waited nearly 3 hours for the surgery. – Two hours later than we were supposed to. Not to mention that we were the only ones there.

They finally came to take him and I made my way to the all too familiar waiting room. There was only one other person there. No one has surgery at 7pm.

Around 8, Dr. Singer came in explaining what he felt had happened to the surgery from Friday…

I listened – but the most important thing on my mind, that I was nervous to say, was that we are considering going to Mayo Clinic in MN. I didn’t want to be disrespectful but this is the 8th plus surgery we have had and well, at some point another opinion seems necessary.

How long can any Dr. expect you to be, what appears to be, a guinea pig for them to experiment on?

I listened to his words and finally, worked up the courage to say, “I understand what you are saying and I mean this with the most amount of respect but we are considering going to Mayo for a second opinion.”

NOTHING – Dr. Singer said NOTHING. Just continued along his merry way telling me what meds Bill would be on and that we would need to see him in a week and that is when we would make decisions about what to do next since Friday’s surgery didn’t work.

Frustrated, I replied, “I understand – but before we make any real decisions about next steps, I think we would like to go to Mayo Clinic – I think after 8 surgeries another opinion seems important.”

NOTHING, again… until he finally mustered up, “Well, I could probably refer you to someone around here.”

I said, “We don’t want anyone else from around here – we want Mayo.”

The Dr, went on his way home – probably irritated with me and irritated that whatever he did Friday didn’t work so he had to spend his Monday night in the Operating Room (missing Dancing with the Stars… join the crown buddy!)

I was pissed… How could a Dr. not address my concerns and desires to go to Mayo? Say something – even if it is, “I think that would be a waste of your time.” But preferably something like, “I can understand how you would want to do that – and I would do it myself.”

However, I didn’t know how upset I was really going to be until I walked into the room and saw my husband in pain like I have never seen in my whole life. He was shaking and agitated and completely out of control. The pain was so intense.

The nurse knew what Bill was like coming out of the surgery on Friday and this was nothing like that. No, this was unlike any of the 8 plus surgeries we have had. This was horrible – this was a nightmare from Hell.

I couldn’t bare to see my husband this way – someone you love trying to endure such awful pain… he didn’t come in on a gurney from a bad accident – he came in from surgery – they should have been able to control his pain.

This was CRAP.

I started screaming… totally unlike me… but this was unbearable. I was out at the nurses’ station demanding pain meds – demanding attention – especially since we were the only people there!!!

I assume the best and that the nurse was trying – but not fast enough – not fast enough at all. My husband was nearly in shock from how severe the pain was and we were just waiting!

I demanded a Dr. and they finally coughed one up – an attending who was actually in the surgery. She didn’t understand what was wrong… But at least ordered morphine.

I was frantic by this point. Telling, no longer asking, that they treat him ASAP and that there was no way I was bringing him home like this – they had to admit him.

In what seemed like forever – they finally took him to the Pain Management Critical Care Unit and I was shuffled off to the waiting room again.

Once Bill was out of sight I began to sob. Seeing him in that kind of pain took everything I had to be the strong one. Now, I could let go.

I called Carol in tears – no he was really okay – but the pain… something had to have gone wrong.

I waited ...calling Kristin to try and let her know what was going on… and the phone in the empty waiting room rang. I picked it up –who else was going to? And they said I could come back to see him.

A nurse, named Insuk, had relieved my husband of his pain. He was at peace – breathing and talking and the pain was far diminished. Once he was stable he would get a room for the night and we would both sleep there. It was midnight.

Insuk was amazing – the best or at least the most capable – of all the medical people we had had. I guess anyone who can alieve you from pain – is nothing short of a God in the moment.

Wheeled into a room for the night – we entered what would turn out to be the twilight zone. Maybe we were both exhausted from a day of agony, pain and driving all over – but the two nurses we had spoke gibberish – we couldn’t understand what the Hell they were saying – and all we wanted was peace and quiet.

It was as though this nightmare turned into Alice in Wonderland lost in the rabbit hole.

Morning couldn’t come soon enough.

Morning did come – after I had gotten a whopping 2 hours of sleep in one of those chairs that reclines about as much as an airplane seat. Bill did get some rest –but was till a little shakey.

The first attending came in and immediately I implied that something had gone wrong with the surgery and in the next hour three hospital people would be in to see us and ask about what we felt was wrong… Yes, covering their butts….

Something had to go wrong.. you don’t have 8 same surgeries and one day wake up after one and wish you were dead… something did go wrong – and being who I am – I will pursue it.

We are home – we survived the nightmare – the adventure into the twilight zone and the trip back home… But, now more than ever I believe that if/when I get really sick I will be going to my vet – The Animal Hospital of Woodstock…

See, in the 15 years I have been going they have never not answered the phone – they have never made me wait in an emergency and they have never underestimated the pain my animals were in.

On a Sunday after my ferret sliced himself across his whole underside in a chair – they came in immediately and did surgery. There was no waiting for a secretary to call us back – no appointment only to be shuffled off somewhere else for surgery. No, they charged me an extra $50 and did the surgery that day. Orvis would be fine.

Sampson, who had his eye sewn in a button at Animal Control – I swiped and brought to them… I got in the same day - I called and when they saw his eye they asked if I would be willing to drive an hour to an animal ophthalmologist - of course I would – and they said they would call and as soon as I got there I would be seen.

And we were – we walked in the door and immediately brought back to a room where the top specialist examined Sampson without any waiting and removed the button and started him on meds that would save his eye.

Recently, Sadie had been limping so I called and was seen the same day. They were able to take x-rays in the office and brought me to the back room where I was able to see the x-rays on a massive computer screen only 10 minutes later – and Dr. Fritz took all the time in the world explaining to me what was going on with Sadie.

No, when you see my vet – you see the best. You are treated with respect and customer service – you very rarely wait and they always have the most recent technology. And most importantly, when there is a need for a second opinion, they are the first to recommend it whether it be an eye specialist or the need to go to one of the University Veterinary hospitals for treatment they know would be even better.

Sadly, like we experienced at Highland Park hospital, people are not treated the same way.

When I watched Bill suffer – all I could think about later was the puppy mill dogs who must endure such similar types of pain – with no one person to be their champion… But, I also came to the sad realization – that it is no wonder dogs’ well-beings are playing such second fiddle – here we were, paying, HUMAN customers and we were being treated like livestock.

The only thing we have going for us is that we have the ability to make our own decision – we have the choice to make things different and we will.

You can bet that we won’t be going back to Highland Park hospital and that we will not be going back for a follow-up with Dr. Singer. In my opinion, he is 0-2 right now and why would I take another chance with my husband’s well-being with a batting average like that?

We will see Dr Muldoon and we will explain to him our disappointment in his partner – and our decision to seek out a second opinion at Mayo Clinic. Bill is not a guinea pig (even guinea pigs don’t deserver to be treated like pieces of experimental meat) and after 8 plus surgeries – any one who is able to go to Mayo Clinic would.

We are fortunate enough to know someone who can get us in and fortunate enough to have the kind of insurance who will pay for it. (Lets leave the Healthcare debate for another blog!).

Overall, my point is that it is true medicine is a practice and not a profession – and it appears that some people practice more regularly than others.

Dr.’s egos get in the way of making them good Dr.’s and in the end – shows like Grey’s Anatomy and The Practice only represent some apex of the Medical Profession. No one spent time explaining things with us like Pete would - no one sat in the waiting room with me – like Izzie always did –

We had to stick up for ourselves because no one else was going to… and above all else we were never treated as good as my entourage of animals are at my vet’s office.

Certainly makes you think… about whom you want to trust your life with.

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