Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Tails and Truths: Random Thoughts

I am at a loss for a definitive blog today - but I do have some updates on previous ones.

You might recall my preachy sermon on the idiocies of the adoption process when looking to save an animal in need. The cumbersome paperwork, the nerve racking home visits, the agony of being denied. While I am in rescue - I am ashamed of what some of the requirements are just for someone who wants to give the dog a second chance - possibly its only chance.

I, recently, gave thought to getting involved in a breed specific rescue - and when I read their adoption requirements - I changed my mind... I figured if I would not be allowed to adopt from them (and I wouldn't) how can I volunteer there and expect people to listen to me when I would have deny them an adoption.

A friend of mine sent me this link to a wonderful blog today - and while the video clip in it will make you laugh - it brings (sad) tears to me eyes.

How very sad...


My blog yesterday was about the way we protect our kids from loss in sports - such as not keeping score... You might also remember a blog I did a few weeks ago about the enlightening experience I had while watching amazing individuals with disabilities play great basketball...

Well, last night there was another game during my daughter's practice - and once again - the players were incredible. So kind to one another and so excited to play. And, they are GOOD - really GOOD...

But my point is - the one team was up by over 30 points and they still kept keeping score... and right before the buzzer went off the winning team scored, yet, one more basket.

They never turned off the scoreboard when the points became so far apart - and when the winning team scored that last basket even though they were up by a landslide - the other team did not whine that it was unsportsmanlike conduct "to rub the loss in their face." (Like the Cowboys did this week when playing the Vikings).

No, these players played with dignity, integrity and utter grace. They played the game like the game should be played.

We often protect individuals with special needs - we have this innate feeling to shelter them - and yet, here they were facing every possible reality of playing a sport... while our other not-challenged - not to mention - our professional players (making millions) are the ones crying about losing...

I say, "Suck it up!"


Here is one last funny for the day... Me and cooking. They do not go together. I think I have alluded to this before - but here is a bit more of the reality...

I was cooking last night - something I do about twice a week... and this is why. I was taking the chicken and pork chops (I don't eat anything that comes from a pig) and I burnt myself... I burnt myself on the pan because I only use a thin towel to take it out...and then while I was trying to remove the chicken from the aluminum foil, I burnt myself again by placing my finger on the foil (I guess that gets hot, too). That one really hurt.

On top of that - I had left the metal spoon in the rice pot and when I went to stir the rice - yep, the spoon was scorching.

With the 3rd scream of the night - my husband finally came over and finished for me... My fingers were on fire - and I was running them under cold water.

"This is why I don't cook!" I said to Bill... Who I am certain shook his head and rolled his eyes while I wasn't looking.

He knows better... Once when were renovating our cabin and the guy came to install the stove - my husband told him - "don't worry about it working - my wife only got it because a stove should be in the kitchen - she will never use it."

I have used it...and I am positive that I burnt myself then, too.

I am an educated person... and yet, cooking is beyond me. It always sounds so heartwarming - brings people together for a great meal, etc... But, I find myself watching others eat while I soak my finger(s) in ice water. Like I did last night!