Thursday, October 14, 2010

Truths: Betty Crocker Watch Out

So, awhile back I alluded to the fact that our refrigerator broke. To some that might seem like awhile ago and no, we had not replaced it yet. I wanted to, right away, but life got in the way – and truthfully, I don’t cook so being without a refrigerator just meant that my chocolate milk and Bill’s beer wasn’t getting cold – but with a mini fridge in the garage – we had that covered. That and some butter, mayo and the Vidalia onions we bought from the Shriners.

I did find time to measure and re-measure the inadequate opening I had to put the fridge. I wanted one of those French door fridges with the freezers on the bottom. But, that wasn’t going to fit… We would have to get a fridge just the same as the one we had – but I could at least get stainless steel. Yay.

However, with my trip to Cali in the works ordering a fridge wasn’t going to happen and even if I did order it – I figured that they would deliver it when I was gone. (That turned out to be a pipe dream).

I had done some extensive research on-line comparing models and prices. (and I did check out some new stoves along the way.)

When I got back from Cali (and saw the mold growing in the old fridge) it was definitely time to get my act together and get a new one. Again, I spent an hour on the web surfing for prices and found the absolute best deal at And when I mean best deal, I mean I was saving hundreds of dollars and getting free shipping!

But, ordering a major appliance (maybe two) on-line was a bit intimidating to me so I got in the car and drove to the nearest Best Buy… on the way, I passed our local appliance store and feeling guilty about not supporting a mom and pop shop I made a u-turn and went in. I thought I should at least give them a chance.

I walked in and glanced at all the appliances – thinking of taking a look when the salesman asked if I needed help and when I asked if they had what I was looking for – he abruptly told me, “NO!”

Hey, I gave them a chance. On to Best Buy I went. That is where I met Karl – a nice man who would be happy to help me. I asked if the prices in the store were the same as the ones on-line. He said that if they weren’t they would match them.

We began looking up my desired fridge…

Oh, let me back up… all of this time on the web I looked for a new stove. I checked models and compared prices. Like our fridge and the dishwasher we already replaced, the stove was soon to be on the way out. Already some of the burners weren’t working so appealing to my husband wasn’t THAT hard… and while he was still in CA – looking at potential retirement homes on the beach – that we can’t afford – I texted him and said, “Well since we won’t be moving there anytime soon, maybe we could get a new stove.”

To which he replied, “Knock yourself out!”

Yay me… But see here is the ironic thing, that you already know, I don’t cook. Getting a new stove is like getting a baseball mitt when you don’t play the game – what is the point.

Well, there was the cosmetic point that our appliances would match and our kitchen would be updated (though not as updated as I would like: new cabinets, new counters)…

And, I guess at the time that really was the only point…

But, lets continue with my shopping experience… Now, knowing that I could get the stove – Karl was looking up both items and realizing that no, the prices at the store were hundreds of dollars more and shipping was not free! Talk about crazy big box thinking.

But, he was happy to match everything on-line. He really was the nicest man. Karl and I worked together to overcome the many obstacles he faced getting my order right. And, along the way he convinced me to get a credit card where I could defer payments for 18 months.

As he was maneuvering through the complex computer system, I began browsing thru the stoves that were on display – there was one similar to the model I chose and when I began opening it up and seeing the accessories it came with – I actually felt an excitement building. This cooking thing might just turn out to be…fun?

After about an hour (or more) my purchases were complete and the stove would be delivered in two weeks and the fridge, well at least three weeks. Guess I could have ordered before I left for Cali.

I left the store feeling proud about my wise shopping and saving hundreds of dollars with my research and my unwavering pursuit to get the prices I found on-line. And, I felt – excited – unbelievable enthusiasm about this new stove. Not only was I looking forward to how it would look in the kitchen…But I found myself thinking about cooking.

A long time ago, on two different occasions, I bought recipe boxes, filled with old recipes – all handwritten – at the flea market. What possessed me to make such a crazy purchase I will never know. I didn’t even like the recipe boxes to begin with and even if I did like the boxes its not like I needed any recipe boxes. But, at the time, I thought how cool it would be to prepare these recipes that were written by someone’s grandma 20 years ago.

I began thinking about those boxes that were, undoubtedly, dusty in my cookbook cupboard. This is it – this is my time to make these recipes – to try them out – to cook for my family and perhaps instead of storing cookbooks on the top shelf, that I can’t reach, maybe I will put the take-out menus and phonebooks for reservations there.

See, the other thing that has become a revelation to me is that I just want to be home. All of my recent travels have been fantastic – but since there have been so many in a short time – it has left me homesick and with the realization – that I am done seeking things outside of myself and just want to nest, to stay, to revel in the comfort of my own space.

Between this newfound desire and the excitement of a new stove – I was really enthralled with the concept of cooking. Those recipes danced in my head as I drove away from Best Buy and conjured images of me baking cookies, maybe even wearing an apron, and it felt good, really good. (okay, a little odd but still good.)

And besides the cookies, and as oxy-moron as this is about to sound, it would be good to start eating healthy. I began weight watchers 5 months ago and while I have now lost 20 pounds – eating healthy meals would be good for all of us.

I believe in feng shui and I think sometimes that clearing out the old and replacing it with new – does spark new possibilities, new aspirations.

So, watch out Betty Crocker – Becky Monroe is in the kitchen!

1 comment:

  1. Yay for losing 20 pounds and yay for new appliances. And oh yeah, yay for cooking. Don't love to do it, but love to eat it!
