Monday, February 1, 2010

Truths: Ugly Won't go Away

This weekend I suffered through two huge zits on my chin! I am 39 years old and right now I have the chin of 16 year old girl.

Yes, I tried to pop them – only creating a large blister and a lot of blood. I have tried to dry them up with peroxide. I have washed them – and yes, I keep picking at them.

We had dinner plans with some friends Saturday night and for the first time in at least 10 years I went and bought cover-up! As I applied it to my blemishes, I use that term lightly because they are more like obnoxious scabs, the make-up became all caked on and now, what looked like natural pimples – looked like large, puffy hills on my face.

There was no way to win… And, even at 39, I was self-conscious about my zits all weekend long.

Which symbolically brings me to our election that takes place tomorrow. There has been a lot of turmoil – a lot of negative ads, a lot of slinging crap at the opponents.

IL already has a bad record for employing complete crooks – I believe that we hold the record for governors who have been sent to jail. We are a crooked state…And, like my zits, it seems impossible to rid ourselves of these blemishes and start with a clean slate.

I am at a loss of who to vote for mostly, because I do not trust any politicians. They all say one thing to get elected and then they either do another or they don’t do anything at all.

I realize that the mere opportunity to vote is one that I should hold in high regard as so many other countries fight to the death for this right. It is never anything we should take for granted and it is something we should always exercise whenever we have the chance.

But, I don’t feel like voting. Not because I am lazy but because, deep down, I have serious doubts that it makes any difference.

Sure it makes a difference to who gets in – but no matter who gets in – will leave me disappointed.

I also despise primaries because in IL we are forced to declare ourselves as a party. So, even though I tend to find myself a liberal Republican – tomorrow I have to either be a Democrat or a Republican – or an Independent. But, if I declare Independent there is only one category that has any candidates for me to vote for

It is a crazy system.

I do have one area: animal welfare, which speaks directly to my soul, and right or wrong I use it as my compass. It is something which actually defines the type of person I want to vote for. – Even though, I doubt many politicians give the issue much weight.

This election Jack Franks is running once again for State Representative. He has been in office for quite awhile and is pretty much a Republican dressed in Democrat clothing. He had to be in order to get elected.

I have proudly voted for him many times…but not this time because he voted against the puppy mill bill last year. And, while his correspondence with me was frequent in the beginning, the minute he voted against the puppy mill bill: he never spoke to me again.

So, in turn, I will not be voting for him. Sure, there might be more pressing issues to some – but animal welfare is my issue and when I realize that a politician not only votes against it but then does not have the spine to explain why – they lose my vote.

So, just like the pimples on my face that I want to go away – I want Jack Franks to go away – because his presence has hurt what I believe in.

The rest of the ballot is full of he said, she said crap that I have not patience for. Are there really no human beings who are willing to get up and shout from the rooftops what they do believe in – what the really will accomplish if we elect them to office?

Why have elections become a bloodbath – a give and take of bad mouthing – instead of an opportunity to grandstand beliefs and objectives.

Like the zits on my chin, elections, and, the political arena that they stand for, are only getting worse. No matter how we pick at them or how desperately we want them to go away – they keep holding on – getting uglier each day!

Just as I tried Saturday night – no matter what we use to cover them up – the bad ones keep re-appearing!

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